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Giving Tuesday: The season of giving is here

29 Nov 2016 | by Nikki Osborne
As we are a bauble's throw away from December now, for some of you, Christmas shopping may be well in motion. Here at the Planet Cruise office we’ve been busy doing some of our own.

Giving Tuesday

Operation Christmas Child is a project run by Samaritan's Purse which changes the lives of many children through the power of a simple gift. We’ve been filling empty shoeboxes with a range of items, before wrapping & labelling according to gender. Items include soft toys, school supplies, sweets and hygiene essentials such as toothbrushes and toothpaste, bars of soap and hairbrushes - basic need items of which many children around the world still don’t have easy access to. Sent to children all over the world, these small gifts have already been enjoyed in many areas of the world including refugee camps in Iraq and in Liberia, after the outbreak of Ebola.

Giving Tuesday

You can use the online shoebox builder to choose from a selection of gifts that can be packed for you by Samaritan's Purse. This year the boxes will be going to Moldova. If this sounds like a project of interest to you, you can get involved here.


Giving Tuesday

Otherwise, today many people will be coming together with an act of their own for #GivingTuesday which kicks off the charitable season where many focus on their end-of-year giving. #GivingTuesday was brought to the UK two years ago and last year £6,000 a minute was raised for UK charities, breaking the record for most amount of money donated online within 24 hours! Whether you join the movement as an individual or organisation by donating, fundraising or even saying something nice today, it’s a great cause to get involved with.

Giving Tuesday

We'll be donating £1 for every passenger booked today, make your booking count! More information on Giving Tuesday.
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