Let's Learn Some Basic Phrases!

The following selection of phrases are from 7 different European languages:
Hello - ¡Hola! How are you? - ¿Cómo estás? Thank You – Gracias
Cheers! – Salud Good Bye – Adiós How much? - ¿Cuanto es?
Hello - Bonjour
Yes - Oui No – Non Okay – Bien
Cheers! – Santé Goodbye – Au revoir How much? - Combien?
Hello - Ciao How are you? - Come stai? Thank You – Grazie
Yes - Si No – No Okay – Okay
Cheers! – Saluté Goodbye – Arrivederci How much? - Quanto?
Hello - Hallo How are you? - Hoe is het? Thank You – Dankjew
Yes - Ja No – Nee Okay – Oke
Cheers! – Proost Goodbye – Tot ziens How much? - Hoe veel?
Hello - Hallo How are you? - Wie geht es dir? Thank You – Danke
Yes - Ja No – Nein Okay – In Ordnung
Cheers! – Prosit Goodbye – Auf Wiedersehen How much? - Wie vie?
Hello - Olá How are you? - Como você está?" Thank You – Obrigado
Yes - Sim No – Não Okay – Está bem
Cheers! – Sáude Goodbye – Adeus How much? - Wie vie?
Hello - Hallo How are you? - Hvordan har du det? Thank You – Takk
Yes - Ja No – Nei Okay – Greit
Cheers! – Skål Goodbye – Farvel How much? - Hvor mye?
Haven’t quite mastered the pronunciation? Not to worry. Locals will appreciate your effort in trying to master the local lingo. Such encounters can be a great ice-breaker, and the more you continue to practice – the more authentic your accent will sound.
¡Buena suerte! (Good luck!)