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Day of the Dead Mexican Festival

30 Oct 2015 | by Myles Johnson

While many nations around the world celebrate Halloween on October 31st, in sunny Mexico they hold off for a few more days and put on a spectacle like no other. Anyone who wants to experience something a little spookier than just trick-or-treating may want to consider visiting Mexico on November 1st and 2nd, as the Day of the Dead celebrations that take place on these dates are truly spectacular.


Dia de los Muertos as its formally known is a holiday celebration that takes place throughout Mexico and Latin America, coinciding with the Catholic holiday called All Soul's & All Saint’s Day. The spooky spiritual festival features lively celebrations, amazing costumes and a whole lot of singing, dancing and eating.

All across Mexico and Latin America, people visit graveyards to make offerings to those who have passed away, holding raucous fiestas in their honour. Partying in a cemetery until the wee hours is certainly not an experience you'll forget in a hurry!


One of the most iconic symbols of this scintillating festival is the skeletons and skulls that appear everywhere. From paintings on the faces of festival goers, skeleton outfits and even tasty gigantic sugar skulls that are hand crafted and decorated with an array of different colourful designs.

The construction of beautiful altars (ofrendas) are a common centre piece in the homes of families and villages around Mexico, where they are decorated with a variety of different things from candles and mounds of fruit, to stacks of tortillas, carnations of flowers and bottles of water. This bizarre selection of goods is seen as an offering for loved ones and weary spirits.


Spooky Folktale: During the days of the Dead, some believe that the souls of the departed return to earth to visit and to provide council or give advice to family and loved ones.

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